This research study was designed to investigate the FACTORS AFFECTING THE learning of Social Studies using Uvwie Local Government Area as a case study. The researcher used 200 respondents including teachers and students who were randomly selected from ten (10) schools among the various schools in Uvwie Local Government Area of Delta State. Four hypotheses was raised to guide the research while the instrument for data collection was a validated performance with a reliability coefficient of 0.75. data collected was analysed using peason product moment correlation to determine the degree of relationships between the variables used in the study. The findings revealed that there is a significance relationship between the problems associated with the teaching of Social Studies and the learning of Social Studies. Recommendations were made based on the out- come of the research to  improve the teaching and learning of Social Studies in secondary schools.



1.1   Background of the Study

The teaching of Social Studies is often analyzed using students evaluation or test to examine how much Social Study knowledge a student has gained during a term with most student studying Social Study in secondary schools (Mead and Sandene 2007, Wal, 2009).

 According to a study carried out by Eric Digest it has been discovered that the teaching method of teaching Social Studies and his personality greatly accounted for student positive attitude towards Social Studies and that with interest and personal and personal effort in learning Social Study by the student they can hardly perform well in the subject .

Social Studies is a subject that studies of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services in an economy and also talks about how people react to changes. Social Studies also ask several questions such as.

1.     How are prices determined?

2.     Why are some countries richer than other?

Social Study has no definite definition. Each economist defines the subject from his/her perception. The variation in the definition of Social Studies is because Social Study is a very wide subject. It definition could be got by asking ourselves some question and by trying to provide answers to these question examples of such questions as student by Eyiyere (1980) are

i.             Why do people work at all instead of enjoying leisure?

ii.           What make some people risk while other are poor?

iii.         Why do countries trade with each other?

It is very essential that non must provide for himself the three essential of life which as housing food and clothing. Man cannot of these essential needs. It therefore means that man must work in order to provide himself with the basic needs of life. Hence when man work he help in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services.

These are some of the base and fundamental issue taught by Social Study teachers in the teaching and learning situation. There are several economists who have expressed their views about the subject of Social Studies.

Longman dictionary of contemn piracy English defines Social Studies as the study of the way in which money and goods are produced and used.

Social Studies according to United States of utilization, distribution and consumption of services and materials.

It is the study of how the forces of supply and demand allocation scare resources investor words com. Paul Samuelson a noble laureate in Social Studies defines it as the study of how a person or solidly meets its unlimited needs and wants through the effective allocation of resources.

The most generally accepted definition is the one given by Robbins (1932) in Eshenake (2007). He defines behavior in relationship between ends and scare means which have alternative uses. He stated that Social Study studies human behaviour and highlighted three element Ends.

    Scarce means and Alternative uses.

Arising from these definitions this project is designed to examine the problems encountered in the teaching and  learning of Social Study in secondary schools Uvwie Local Government Area of Delta State these mind burgling problems interest in the teaching and learning of Social Studies by teachers students, industrialists and the society at large have led to this research work.

Some the problems that have bedeviled the teaching and learning of Social Studies in secondary schools as stated by Eshenake (2007) include:

i.             Presence of inexperienced Social Studies teachers.

ii.           Lack of appropriate text materials

iii.         Inadequate time for the subject in schools.

iv.         Wrong notion about the subject among students

v.           Lack of instructional materials in schools.

vi.         The fear of mathematical in schools concept in the subject by students and teachers

vii.        Lack of seminars and teachers

viii.      The environment in which the students learn

ix.         Lazy attitude of teachers

The above problems have collectively affected the effective teaching and learning of Social Studies in general.

It is the aim of this study to highlight the degree of these problems in some selected secondary schools in Uvwie Local Government Area of Delta state and problems some solution to these nagging problems.

1.2   Statement of The Problem

This study is designed to identify certain problems associated with the teaching and learning of Social Studies in secondary schools in Uvwie Local Government Area of Delta State.

The subject of Social Studies have long being taught in the Nigeria school curriculum however, its provides and concepts have not been adequately applied in solving Social Study problems of the society. This could be as a result of how the subject is being taught in secondary schools.

This study thereby therefore wants to establish some problems affecting the teaching of Uvwie Local Government Area, and to what extent these problems have affected the leading and learning of the subject of Social Studies. Thus how does the problem of teaching Social Studies affect the academic performance of students in the subject?

1.3   Purpose/Objective of the Study

The purpose of the study is to examine the problems encountered in the teaching and learning of Social Studies in secondary schools in Uvwie Local Government Area with a view of making some suggestions or recommendation which will help to proper solution to such problems. The objective of the study is.

a.               To identify the problems facing students and teachers in the teaching and learning of Social Studies.

b.               To suggest possible solution to those problems.

 1.4   Significance of the Study

To highlight and prefer possible solution to the problems militating against Social Studies teaching and learning of Social Studies in secondary schools in Uvwie Local Government Area and the world at large. The study is important in the following ways.

i.             Teachers of Social Studies will gain from this research work, as various method involved in the teaching and learning of Social Studies will be highlighted.

ii.           It will make teaching of the subject more effective hence lead to the laying of social foundation for the subject matter.

iii.         It will also provide source of information in Social Studies to school and colleges as well as other institutions

iv.         It will act as a starting point to other researchers who may be interested in carrying out related studies.

 1.5    Scope of the Study

The scope the research work is limited to the problems of teaching and learning of Social Studies and its effect on the academic performance of students. The study also depended mostly on data collected from oral interviews and questionnaires that was administered to students within Uvwie Local Government Area of Delta State.

 1.6    Research Questions

1.           To what extent does lack of instructional materials affect the teaching and learning of Social Studies in schools?

2.           To what extent does lack of instructional materials affect the teaching and learning of economies in schools?

3.           To what extent does lack of exposure Social Study teachers to seminars/conferences affect the teaching of Social Studies in schools?

4.           Does the environment in which students learn affect the teaching and learning of Social Studies?

5.           How does the method of teaching by teachers affect the

Teaching and learning of Social Studies?

 1.7      Research Hypotheses:

The following hypotheses are put forward by the researcher to guide the research.

i.             There is no significant relationship between inadequate qualified teachers and the teaching of Social Studies in schools.

ii.           There is no significant relationship between lack of instructional materials and the teaching of Social Studies in schools.

iii.         There is no significant relationship between teaching methods and the teaching of Social Studies in schools.

iv.         There is no significant relationship between the mathematical concept and the teaching of Social Studies.



Format = MS Word, Price = ₦4000, Chapter = 1-5, Pages = 37, References = Yes, Questionnaire =Yes, Table of Contents = Yes and Abstract = Yes



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